Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Wali Songo: seed spreader Tolerance?

Several days ago, The Wahid Institute invitation to send an email discussion themed, "The Sufi Contribution in Building Tolerance Religion in Indonesia." Invitation to post-kan to a number of mailing lists. In addition to details of time and place, also referred to persons of discussion was the KH A. Mustofa Bisri and DR. Ghazali Abdul Moqsith.

At the invitation was presented as an introduction to the discussion below:

"Harmonious inter-religious people in Indonesia, not irrespective of the role of the Sufi. Wali Songo Sufi row is successfully placed the foundation of religious harmony in Indonesia. They berdakwah approach sufistik. Unlike the experts who tend Jurisprudence legal-formalistik, then approached the Sufi Islam from the point of conscience. That way, the Sufi is not a formal religious obstacles to meet and exchange with the thought of another religion. For the Sufi, all human beings is God who need to be valued. Sufi mempeributkan no formal forms. Look, a lot of building a mosque that was built with the Sufi shrine menyontoh architecture and churches. The core of the Sufi is not a building of worship, as many now debated, but moral renovate the people who worship (prayer) in that building. "

Read the introduction above, it is simple it can be concluded that the discussion abstraksi claim some points; first, the Wali Songo figure is inclusive, tolerant Sufi because they are only important aspect esoteris religion and not a formal religious meributkan obstacles. Second, the paradigm sufistik Islamic view is the most tolerant, inclusive of the view that tends to fiqh legal-formalistik. Therefore the Sufi claimed more tolerant than the expert-inclusive fiqh (faqih / jusrist). Third, the high-inclusive tolerant attitude of the Indonesian people, claimed closely related with the pattern of propaganda Wali Songo sufistik.

According to me, these three hypothetical unduly simplistis (to avoid the use of a word there). Therefore, I propose three arguments to rebut that claimed three points in abstraksi discussion:

First: Tasawuf developing knowledgeable and received by Indonesian Muslims even Muslim world, mysticism is figured among the Sunni leaders is the importance of Al Ghozali. Sunni style mysticism influenced Al Ghozali who adopted and disseminated the Wali Songo in the archipelago.
But just as Al Ghozali the mengkafirkan some view of the philosopher and thus also rejected (read: mengkafirkan / mensesatkan) a number of views that influenced style mysticism philosophy helenisme, namely, mysticism falsasi, the Wali Songo also the case. Sentence them astray, and even execute the dead sheikh Siti jenar mysticism which is the figure in the philosophical Sunan Kalijaga, one of the Wali Songo.

In general it can be said, the mysticism of the Sunni mengkafirkan and execute the death of the philosophical mysticism (Sunni terminology mysticism and philosophical mysticism is also used by the Chairman of the Egyptian Sufi, Dr. Abu al-Wafa 'al-Ghanimi of al-Taftazani in his book titled, Madkhal ilaa al-Tasawwuf al-Islam) due to some concept or doctrine of philosophical mysticism that are unbelievers and misguided, as the concept wahdah al-existent, tajalli, human kaamil and wahdah al-adyan.

Problematika life in the context of inter-religious people at this time of detonating fire between religious conflicts, the concepts of mysticism philosophical tradition provides footing to develop attitudes and inclusive interpretation of Islamic pluralis and penetrate the border-divider divider formal religion to bring together and share good for fellow human beings as a manifestation of worship to God as the source of all existence, the source of all religions and so on.

Therefore, I think if it is not based Wali Songo alignment of the votes as the tolerant Sufi-inclusive does not make a formal religion as a divider barrier.

Section, in addition to the Sunni doctrine mysticism reject concepts of important religious inklusifisme above, Wali Songo also bad precedent menvonis error and execute the death Syehk Siti jenar sufistik confidence because of the differences.

If any row Wali Songo be accommodative and adaptive to the cultural products such as Hindu-Kejawen appear on the architecture of the mosque, puppets and so on, it was not a departure from the teachings of the Sunni-sufisme their anut. Instead, simply step tactical-strategic berdakwa to embrace the people down at that time that has not been able to escape from the influence of Hindu-Kejawen. No difference with the tactical-strategic adopted the embrace of the Wali Songo petinggi kingdom through diplomatic tactics-cultural marriage and to enter into a political vortex strength, and establish the kingdom of Mataram.

Second: Related claim points in the second abstraksi it. If it is forced to compare the inclusive, tolerant attitude among the Sufi fuqoha, then I agree that only tolerant attitude-inclusive only for the philosophical mysticism, not mysticism in the history of the Sunni Sufi repeatedly perform vonis astray and does not execute the death of her sekeyakinan .

Another thing, is more and more outrageously simplistis if accommodation based products Kejawen-Hindu culture, such as that envisaged in architecture and building puppets, then used as the basis for arguments that the more tolerant Sufi-inclusive than the experts fiqh. The study in the classical fiqh ushul there are a number of aspects of the concept of the cultural-tradition in the legal community. As the concept masholih al-mursalah, 'urf, and others.
In addition, dikotomis-versus konfrontatif Sufi faqih is also not find significance because the figure is also a Sufi faqih, expert commentary, expert hadist, Kalam experts and so on.

Just for the sake of example, several big names such as architect ushul As Syafii fiqh, but not only Faqih also Ahl Hadist. Al Ghozali defenders main Sunni mysticism, not only a Sufi-filasof, but also a faqih. Ibn Rusdy, he not only Sufi-filsof, but also a faqih. Imam Malik, and not just a faqih, but also experts hadist and I also believe Sufi. Abu Hanifah, not just faqih but also an expert and Sufi Kalam. Al Qusyairy An Naisabury, not just a Sufi, but also experts in Literature, and hadist AHL faqih. Likewise with the As-Suyuthi and author of books hadist the six (as-polar sittah) such as, Bukhori, Muslim, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Abu Daud, At-Tirmidzi, they are not only experts but also hadist and Sufi fiqh experts. This is evident in the preparation of chapters in the book works hadist compiled based on their preparation fiqhiyah issues and conditions with hadist-hadist sufistik. I also was confident, the Wali Songo than Sufi, experts also fiqh, hadist experts and a number of disciplines other classical Islamic studies.

Third: With the above explanation, then I ask, what is correct propaganda claiming that the pattern of sufistik Wali Songo beratus-hundred years ago a significant role keberagamaan build tolerance among the people of Indonesia are now? Or perhaps, tolerance is created during the New Order is just a product of social engineering from the New Order stability to orient the development goals in line ideology pembangunanismeyang reflected in GBHN election results in six times the New Order. Therefore, since the New Order and the end state control of social life-long religious reduced, in line with the religious radikalisasi also growing in popularity vessel pimple face virgin. In certain limits, may be misguided vonis fellow Muslims also terispirasi precedent Wali Songo penyesatan Siti jenar to the sheik. Allah knows best as bi-showab.

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